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2022-2023 Tournament Scheduling/Requests
The deadlines for tournaments submitted for the first half of the season (September through December) is July 1st, the second half of the season (January through August) submission deadline is October 1st. Tournament submissions should include the dates and events fenced (weapons, restrictions, ect). A secondary date is recommended. If there is more than one […]

2021 Annual Meeting and New Officer Election
After a pause due to Covid, the NC Division needs to move forward and hold our 2021 annual meeting to elect new officers. At present, the annual meeting will be held during the day on November 20, 2021 (the weekend of JO qualifiers in NC). Under our bylaws, a Nominating Committee is to present a […]

No NC Divisionals in 2021
North Carolina will not be holding Divisional Qualifiers in 2021. National qualifiers are through regionals or petition.

Open Call for Elected Officials and Appointed Positions for NC Fencing
If anyone is interested in serving as an elected official for the North Carolina Fencing Division (Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Youth Development, and Coach/Referee Development) or an appointed position (Diversity, SafeSport, Observer Development, and Tournament Committee), please contact Ms. Sarah Kaufman ASAP at sarah.kaufman@elliswinters.com or secretary@ncfencing.org. You can also direct message Ms. Kaufman on Facebook if […]

Handshaking Rule Suspended at USA Fencing Events
In response to concerns regarding the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), the Referees’ Commission has announced the temporary suspension of the section of Rule T.122 which states that fencers must shake hands with their opponent at the conclusion of a bout. Athletes must still perform the fencer’s salute at the start and conclusion of the bout. […]

Divisional Dates
Divisionals will be on May 9th & 10th. Keep an eye on AskFred for schedule announcement.

Submit Your Tournament Requests
NC Fencing clubs and coaches, it’s time to submit your requests for sanctioned events. Please submit your requests to schedules@gmail.com by August 1st.

2019 Divisionals Update
NC Divisional National Qualifying Tournament will include Division II, Division III, and Y-14 events. Location: Healthy Start Academy 807 W Chapel Hill St. Durham, NC 27701 AskFReD: https://askfred.net/Events/moreInfo.php?tournament_id=43065 Entry Fees: $10 Registration Fee $35 Event Fee. Registration at the door (late registration) $20 Registration Fee $70 Event Fee Preregistration closes 03/28/2019 Please remember to bring […]