[ UNC Fencing ] Very close to home this weekend! Come on over to Durham and cheer on the Tar Heels! Saturday (men) and Sunday (women) 8 AM-5 PM Card Gym on the Duke campus Info here http://bit.ly/3bni6Ww #GoHeelspic.twitter.com/mK5MX1kvsX
Very close to home this weekend! Come on over to Durham and cheer on the Tar Heels!
Saturday (men) and Sunday (women) 8 AM-5 PM
Card Gym on the Duke campus
Info here http://bit.ly/3bni6Ww
#GoHeels pic.twitter.com/mK5MX1kvsX
from Twitter Search / UNCFencing https://twitter.com/UNCFencing/status/1226083246875774976